Tuesday 19 April 2011



Our squad was split in two groups for the start of our skills blocks, which are 2 week training sessions on Driving and Firearms. These are the session we've all been looking forward to - getting outside into the fresh air!

I started on Driver training. Let me tell you, I thought I was a reasonable driver, but now I realise I sucked!!

First we started with the norm - theory. But then got to the fun part of driving. We learnt how to drive with "Pull push stearing", then how to stop in extreme circumstances and wet weather. My favourite part of this training was the jokes we payed out on each other and the four wheel drive training. I managed to get bogged in a swamp, with water coming through my door. Poor Nigel had to get out and attach a wench to a tree to pull me out, it was gold! Good thing I wasn't the only one to get bogged, however mine was probably the most extreme.

This was a great few days, so hopefully Firearms will be as Fun.

Write again soon,


1 comment:

  1. There is a vast difference between firearms and driver training, it seems that you enjoyed a lot to your driver training but this won't be a case with firearms, you need to be more serious with that.

    Coach Training
